Office Directory

Eric Ziesmer

GMW Day Foreman 2 | GMW

Address: 330 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 330
Phone: 507-389-6804

Reid Zimmerman

Sociology and Leadership Studies | Adjunct

Address: 113 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 113
Phone: 507-389-1561

Brian Zins

University Advancement | Director of Alumni Relations|Adjunct

Address: 224 Alumni & Foundation Center
Office: AF 224
Phone: 507-389-1794

Stephanie Zojonc

Biological Sciences | Laboratory Coordinator|Adjunct

Address: 242 Trafton Science Center South
Office: TS 242
Phone: 507-389-1398

Mark Zuiker

Mathematics and Statistics | Faculty

Address: 273 Wissink Hall
Office: WH 262
Phone: 507-389-1229